From the Welcome address by Ed Curry:

At the Rural Groundwater Committee Meeting (11.16.2023)

Watch from 5:00 to 21:00 minutes...




We need technology. Reaching in the "Black Box".

Back in the early 1900's two brothers, the Schlumberger brothers, Conrad, and Marcel came to America from France. Their travels led them from the oil fields of Texas to Arizona.

The Schlumberger brothers had a "Black Box".

In 1923, the brothers began conducting geophysical surveys in various countries including Romania, Serbia, Canada, Union of South Africa, Belgian Congo, and the United States. In 1926, Henri George Doll (Conrad's son-in-law) joined the group. In 1926, the brothers formed Société de Prospection Electrique to develop the theory that adding resistivity information from deeper formations would increase the effectiveness of the surface prospecting technique. The first office was in Paris on the rue Fabert.



1920s: The First Well Log:


Open-hole Well logging can measure formations that represent aquifers. When combined with surface geophysical surveys, a 3D picture of the earth can be formed!


The technology is here:

It isn’t complicated. Ranchers and Farmers have an opportunity to empower themselves with knowledge about their water. WELLOG in cooperation with our affiliate,

Groundwater Exploration, LLC can provide one-on-one coaching to anyone interested in learning about how to measure their water resources.


“Knowledge is Power”:

Contact for more information on how you can get started today and learn about the “Black Box”.


Revised 12-26-23    (C) 12-26-23 WELLOG  All Rights Reserved