WELLOG                         COCHISE COUNTY WATER



WELLOG has been active in the local and county politics of WATER.


The two primary issues concerning water anywhere in the world are Quantity and Quality.




The fact is that 75 percent of our world is covered with water. An additional fact is that less than 1 percent of the water is drinkable.




One of the properties of water is its ability to transport other materials both chemical and organic. Water quality can be affected by many different types of contamination. Contamination enters into a water system from sources that are natural and manmade. Because many natural elements found in the earth and in the atmosphere are soluble in water, water can absorb and combine with them. Water vapor carries airborne chemical elements in the atmosphere which form precipitation that arrives at the surface. When water arrives at the surface of the earth, it combines with ingredients found in the soil. Soil may contain natural elements including organic compounds and bacteria. Other elements are manmade chemicals that form compounds with water and are transported as the water moves downstream and into the earth. Many of these natural and manmade compounds and bacteria are harmful and affect water quality.


Is there water in the desert?


Yes, even in arid desert areas water can be found.


Where is the water?


Water is either found on the surface (surface water) or in the ground (ground water).


Where does our water come from?


Our water comes from the oceans and continental areas of the earth where water evaporates into the atmosphere. Water vapor is carried by wind currents and when conditions are right, the atmosphere releases the water in the form of precipitation. Precipitation reaches the surface of the earth in the form of rain, snow, hail and condensation (fog).


Where does water in the form of precipitation go?


Precipitation that reaches the surface is subjected to several processes.


The first process is the process of evaporation. A small percentage of rainfall and snow melt is evaporated by dry air and re-enters the atmosphere. That water vapor is transported by moving air currents to other places in the world.


The second process is called evapotranspiration. Water that is not evaporated immediately, is absorbed into the surface of the earth. The surface of the earth is saturated with plant life. Plants use water in order to create a process called photosynthesis. Plants grow larger and as they grow, they consume more water. Roots of plants may extend hundreds of feet into the ground in order to absorb as much water as possible. Plants use about 80 percent of the water that appears on the surface of the earth. The amount varies according to the region and the amount of plant life and types of plant life.


The remaining water enters into the water table and is eventually used for human or other animal and plant uses after being returned to the surface.


All three processes form part of a cycle which is completed when water evaporates into water vapor and is returned to the atmosphere.


The hydrologic cycle is the complete process that water undergoes from atmospheric precipitation and return back into the atmosphere.




Water contained below the surface of the earth is contained in formations called aquifers. Aquifers consist of sedimentary rocks like sandstone, fractured metamorphic rock, sometimes fractured igneous rocks, and porous limestone formations. In some areas, more than one aquifer may exist in different layers of the earth at different depths. Multiple aquifers are usually separated from each  other by layers of earth that are not able to allow water to flow called aquitards. An aquitard will usually isolate one aquifer from another. Water quality can vary from one aquifer to another because of its isolation from other aquifers. Aquifers located near the surface may be contaminated from surface runoff. Deeper aquifers are generally less contaminated and contain higher quality water.


Aquifers are contained within areas having a regional boundary. Boundaries define a line surrounding a region where water does not flow into or out of that region. This type of region is referred to as a basin. Precipitation that occurs in mountains will move down streams, creeks, rivers, washes, and through channels to a basin where it is contained.




Basins are large regions that contain aquifers in which water does not move out of or into that region.





The Willcox basin occupies the northern part of a large northwest-trending intermountain structural trough known as the Sulphur Springs Valley. The basin is about 90 miles long and varies from 10 to 30 miles wide. It includes approximately 1,911 square miles. A recent initiative was rejected that attempted to impose an Active Management Area (AMA).


Active Management Areas give jurisdiction of water regulations and water rights to the State.





The Willcox basin is bounded on the north by the surface drainage divide with the Aravaipa Creek basin and the Pinaleno Mountains; on the east by the Dos Cabesas and Chiricahua Mountains; on the south by the Pedregosa and Swisshelm Mountains, square top hills, and a series of smaller hills and ridges between the communities of Pearce and Sunizona; and on the west by the Dragoon, Little Dragoon, Winchester, and Galiuro Mountains.




The Willcox basin is a debris-filled valley that has been without external drainage for most of its geologic history. Whitewater Draw in the extreme southern end of the basin drains into the adjacent Douglas basin. And all of the remaining surface drainage is internal and flows to a large, roughly triangular-shaped alkali flat known as the Willcox Playa. The playa, a nearly level plain, almost devoid of vegetation, occupies approximately 50 square miles in the central part of the basin. The Willcox playa is a remnant of the Pleistocene-age lake Cochise.




Land surface altitudes in the Willcox basin range from 4134 feet on the Willcox playa to 10,720 feet atop Mount Graham in the Pinaleno Mountains on the northern basin boundary.




Average annual rainfall ranges from 11 inches per year at Cochise to 18 inches per year at the Chiricahua National Monument. Average annual snowfall ranges from 1 to 4 inches in the valley floor to over 13 inches in the surrounding Chiricahua Mountains.




Groundwater in the Willcox basin occurs predominately in a regional aquifer system in which the unconsolidated alluvium is the main water-bearing unit. Although the bulk of this unit consists of impermeable silt and clay, the relatively thin and interconnected sand and gravel layers are highly permeable and, in some areas, are capable of yielding large quantities of water to irrigation and domestic wells. Groundwater also occurs in the older consolidated alluvium that underlies the unconsolidated alluvium. The poorly to moderately cemented deposits of the consolidated alluvium exhibit very low to moderate permeability, but large quantities of water may be obtained if sufficient thickness of saturated material is penetrated by a well.




The principal source of recharge of the Willcox basin is from infiltration of runoff along the mountain fronts. Little or no recharge is believed to result from direct precipitation, due to high evapotranspiration rates. Seepage of applied irrigation water may contribute a significant amount of water as recharge to the regional aquifer in the heavily pumped agricultural areas.


(Brown and Schumann, 1969 p. 19)



Prior to groundwater development in the Willcox basin the aquifer was in equilibrium with inflow (recharge from infiltration of runoff and direct precipitation) equaling outflow (evapotranspiration) at about 45,000 acre-feet per year.


(Fleethey and Anderson, 1986, sheet 3)




Groundwater is discharged from the Willcox basin by both artificial and natural means. The withdrawal of groundwater by pumping is the primary source of discharge in the Willcox basin. A small amount of groundwater also discharges from the basin as underflow to adjacent basins through the alluvial fill. One avenue of outflow is southward to the Douglas basin from the area southwest of Sunizona, and the other area is northward to the Arivaipa basin.




Groundwater has been used in the Willcox basin since the early 1900’s, but it was not until the late 1940’s and early 1950’s that large-scale withdrawals for agriculture began. As the amount of cultivated land and the number of wells in the basin increased, annual groundwater withdrawals increased, reaching a peak of about 339,000 acre-feet in 1974.

(Wilson, 1991, sheet 1)


The U. S. Geological survey estimates that the total amount of groundwater pumped in the Willcox basin since groundwater development began is in excess of 7.2 million acre feet (Table 1, Sheet 2). Water levels in at least 9 wells declined more than 200 feet between 1954 and 1970 (Mann and others, 1975 sheet 1).


Due to economic conditions many marginally successful farms went out of production in the late 1970’s. Since that time annual groundwater pumpage has steadily decreased. As a result of the decrease in pumpage, water levels in the formerly heavily pumped areas have risen.  Wells in the Kansas Settlement area have shown the greatest rises in water levels since 1975 (Hydrographs K, M, O, P, Q, sheet 2). Wells in the north-central part of the basin in townships 11, 12 and 13 south, Ranges 23 and 24 east have shown smaller rises in water levels (Hydrographs A, C, E, F, sheet 2).


Wells completed in the shallow groundwater zone near the Playa, have remained relatively unchanged since 1975 (Hydrographs H, I, N, sheet 2). Water levels in some wells outside of the major pumping  areas declined during the period 1975-1990 (map, sheet 2). Water level changes during the period 1975 – 1990 ranged from a decline of 67 feet to a rise of 61 feet observed in two wells near Kansas Settlement.



Source: State of Arizona Department of Water Resources, Maps showing Groundwater conditions in the Willcox Basin, Graham and Cochise

Counties, Arizona, 1990, By Paul Oram III, Hydrologic Map Series Report Number 25; citations from (Brown and Schumann, 1969 p. 11-18).





The Douglas basin occupies the southern part of a large northwest-trending intermountain structural trough known as the Sulphur Springs Valley. The basin is about 40 miles long and varies from 10 to 40 miles wide. It includes approximately 950 square miles extending from Mexico, north to Pearce. A resolution to impose an AMA on the Douglas Basin passed. It has permanently curtailed future development of Agriculture and Ranching in the Basin.


Frequently asked questions: FAQs for Douglas AMA | Arizona Department of Water Resources (azwater.gov)



Responsible regulation is needed. Permanently curtailing the Future of Agriculture and Ranching in the Basin represents a prime example of government over-reach. WELLOG has done our “homework” on this government trespass based on the facts of the matter.


The desert southwest is in a drought. A drought has a wide range of effects on water resources. WELLOG has published articles on the subject of “Water in the Bank” for example that discusses the nature of water stored in aquifers in the ground and the effect of deposits and withdrawals. Simple mathematics can be used to provide an accounting method. It’s as simple as addition and subtraction. Decision making should never be done in response to special interest groups with irrational motives!


Link to “Water in the bank”


Link to an MS Excel spreadsheet that lists all of the wells.


Link to the mathematics related to rational management.





WELLOG is working to increase the database of current water levels in Cochise County.  Monitor wells are located around Cochise County. Water levels are recorded and displayed on Hydrographs. The data is updated on a regular basis.



If you have questions about water in Cochise county contact info@wellog.com


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