WELLOG                                               V20 LOGGER







The V20 logger is a multifunctional digital data acquisition and control system. The V20 employs a 20 MHz microcontroller

operating at 5 Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS) that performs the following functions:





The V20 Logger communicates with a PC using a serial RS-232 or USB port at 57,600 baud.


The V20 Logger runs a Real Time Operating System that independently communicates with surface and down-hole instrumentation.





The V20 logger is compatible with popular operating systems like Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 10.


For other Windows based platforms contact support@wellog.com for information.





Data acquisition using time as a reference. For example one sample per second, hour, millisecond.


Data acquisition using position obtained from a global position system (GPS receiver).


Data acquisition using linear position or depth encoder information for example as in well logging.





The V20 logger performs signal control of bipolar waveform “on-off, positive-off, negative-off” using digital outputs.


The V20 performs closed loop unipolar or bipolar stepper motor control.


The V20 can perform AC or DC motor control for speed, position, and directional control.


The V20 DAC option performs serial peripheral interface (SPI) DAC control functions for analog output and power control.


The V20 DAC option allows generation of complex arbitrary analog waveforms.





The V20 can perform high speed data acquisition and control sequential operations.


These applications include electromagnetic waveform (pulse) and timed secondary field signal acquisition.





Position sensing using rotary encoders including operation as a depth readout indicator during well logging.


Timed data logging. Used in monitoring and analog or digital recording applications.


Borehole – well logging including depth measurement and display.


Geophysical electromagnetic pulse and continuous waveform transmitter control and data acquisition.


Geophysical Electrical resistivity system control and data acquisition.


Induced Polarization transmitter control with time domain acquisition.


Induced polarization transmitter control with frequency domain acquisition.





The V20 logger can perform sensing and control of robotic systems.


The V20 logger can control autonomous robotic systems.





WELLOG is developing many different accessories to interface the V20 to small signal environments and power control applications.


Optional high speed Digital to Analog Converter(s) and Programmable Gain Amplifiers offer mixed signal acquisition and control.





Flash Memory with capacities to 16 Giga Bytes are available. Store data on a standard 16GB MICRO SD card.




The V20 Logger uses serial port communication. An optional USB port adapter is available.


Optional Displays:


For stand-alone applications, optional seven-segment or LCD displays are available.





WELLOG has developed a controlled access site containing specifications, information, hardware and software support for the WELLOG V20 Logger.


Contact WELLOG at info@wellog.com for more information.


 REVISED: 11-26-2018   © WELLOG 2015-2018   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED